Clamp Tee | Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 ✔

Clamp Tee | Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 ✔

How To Make Clamp Tee with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014

Jasa Pembuatan Gambar Desain 2D 3D
Untuk Tugas Akhir (TA), Skripsi, Perancangan Mesin, Dll.
Harga : Fleksibel (Menyesuaikan dengan Tingkat Kesulitan dan Waktu pengerjaan)

Our Offered Services :
1. Mechanical Design
2. Consumer Product Design
3. Reverse Engineering
4. Converting your hand sketch into manufacture-able CAD data (3D and 2D).
5. Converting your idea (description) into manufacture-able CAD data (3D and 2D).
6. Provide high quality 3D rendering (picture/animation) for marketing/presentation purpose.
7. FEA (Finite Element Analysis) to check the design stress-strength based on material properties and design.
8. Shop Drawing.

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